Waiting for you :)

Waiting for you :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

A little how I feel

I have had a rough week mainly emotionally. I have really been missing home and living near my parents. I also have been feeling like I am seeing everyone around get blessed and been feeling like my prayers have been ignored, Which is completely crazy I know but we all feel that way sometime if we are truly honest with ourselves. Even the best Christian out there feels that way from time to time.

But with dealing  with infertility for the past 6 years and hitting every road block imaginable with the adoption I was starting to feel really down on myself. With the first agency denying us because we didn't have children already and the new agency sending our packet back to us wanting the entire credit report not just the summary and questioning why David was only in the military for 6 months. Then David getting flat out denied life insurance because his cholestrol was too low of all things. It just seemed that everything was going wrong. I am really starting to feel frustrated about it all. I was talking to a coworker about it and she said her father sells life insurance and so she gave us his number and he contacted us and he is able to get David life insurance for double what we needed without a Medical Exam! Wow! is the LORD Amazing or what?!

So we are sending out the adoption packet out again in the morning and pray that this will be the final time it will need to go out and then we can start our classes and home study and then hopefully will be on the adoption list by the end of the year. So what started out as a bummed day feeling down God really showed me He really was there for me in the hard time. (I never really doubted it but you all know what I mean).

Matthew 28:20

King James Version (KJV)
 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen

Sunday, March 4, 2012

What a fantastic busy week

This week was a blast very very busy but fun. It started out last Sunday we drove to Champaign IL to visit my best friend from AK. They went there to see some family and she couldn't be that close and me not go see her. People thought I was crazy for driving 7 hours to go there for just 1 night but I would do it over and over again.
Sunday night we went to Olive Garden for dinner and then we went shopping and just drove around town  talking, Then on Monday morning we went to the mall and shopped some more and then had lunch at one of my new favorite places Steak and Shake oh how I wish we had one in Omaha. It was so good I inhaled it!

The rest of the week was incredibly bsy I mad e up taking Monday off throughout the week so I worked 6-5:30 Tues-Friday and I had something going on every night preparing for my Pampered Chef Party. Then Saturday morning I took the dogs into the vet for check-ups and since Bellah's allergies were not healed frm the hypoallergen dog food we had to to allergy testing on her. My poor baby girl has had a lot going on in her 2 years of life. her Belly is one big hive and her eyes are all goopy and swollen hopefully they will figure something out soon.

On Saturday afternoon I had my Secret Hostess Show to introduce the new product. I had a pretty good t urn out there was about 6 people there and then my Friend Virginia stayed over night because she lives 3 hours away and she took us to Thia food for the first time and I was in heaven that food was soo good.

I know I feel like I am rambling and all over the place but I am so tired I can't think straight so with that being said I will check in next week again.

Thanks for reading.