Waiting for you :)

Waiting for you :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Things are Rolling

So we are on the right track for the IUI. I went and had an ultrasound today and the nurse said everything looks picture perfect. I start Clomid tomorrow for the next 5 days and then I go back in next Wednesday for another Ultrasound and some labs. If that all goes good. Then I administer myself the HCG shots and I get to go in for the IUI some time in the next 10days so please pray we get to do and it finally works.

Friday, December 17, 2010

So frustrated

We have been planning on finally doing the IUI in November, but since I never had my cycle since October 16th  we were not able to do that. So I finally called my R.E. to talked to him about it and since all my home EPT tests were coming back negative. He has put me on progesterone a hormone to help me to kick start my cycle. So after 10 days of taking this I should have my cycle and we can FINALLY do our first round of the IUI with the R.E. So I guess the waiting game continues...