As 2012 comes to an end, I want to reflect on its up and downs. It rose up many challenges but ti also had many blessings.
We were finally accepted into Nebraska Children's Home Society in February 2012 which was exactly 6 years after trying to start our family. We started our journey with the agency and came to many roadblocks along, but we finally got approved as a waiting family on November 7, 2012. I am looking forward to what 2013 brings. We have a goal for 2013 to get completely out of debt except for the house and the car. If we stay on our path I think it may actually happen. My prayer is we will also be blessed with a child in 2013. The agency told us that we could be on the list for years but I have faith that it will not take that long. I knew waiting would be hard but it is a lot harder than I thought it would be. You go to a store and you want to look and dream about the day you get to hold your son or daughter. I know only the Lord knows when that will happen.
David has been amazing in this journey. He has always been my shoulder I can lean on and even though I don't always want to hear his words of encouragement at that time. He always knows what to say to make me feel better. I am so grateful he Lord gave him to me. I think we have gotten a lot closer to each other this last year. We have both grown stronger in the Lord and gotten a lot closer to each other.
One of our biggest trials this year was trying to choose a new church. I was perfectly content where we were and happy, but David wasn't growing in the Lord. So we prayed about it and I have to be honest I was praying for the Lord to change David's mind because I had built friendships at our old church and I was afraid that I would lose those friendships if we left. But as we prayed each night The Lord was actually changing my mind and not David's. After all David was our spiritual leader in our house and he needed to be growing in the Lord. So after months and months of praying and searching The Lord brought us to our new family church and in the 4 months we have been attending there David has grown tremendously it is such an answer to prayer. We immediately got involved head first and have been used by God ever since. I am just over joyed that we are where the Lord wants us. Even though I miss my friends at our old church I still get to see them and they are still a great part of my life and never want to lose those friendships, I am starting to build an extension to my friendships and being involved is such a great feeling. I cannot wait to see where they Lord bring us to in 2013. I am excited!
I want to thank-you for taking the time to read and I hope you and your family have a safe and Blessed New Year
HAPPY 2013!!
The DeHarts
And He took the children in his arms, put His hands on them and blessed them." - Mark 10:16
Waiting for you :)

Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Great News!
After almost 2 years in working with our agency we finally made it on the active list.
Our profile letter is complete and now we just are waiting on the Lord to bring us our precious child. Now is the real test of faith. Up until this point we has some what control on how fast things progressed on how active we were in submitted paperwork and going to classes. Now it is just us putting 100% faith in the Lord he will bring our precious child home to us. It still could be several years yet. I will be OK if it takes that long because I just want the child the Lord has planned. For anyone who knows me knows that patience is never easy for me. I am such a planner in all things I do. At this point I we can do is pray and let the Lord do his work. This is such a big accomplishment thus far knowing the only step we have left is for a birth mother to choose us and bringing our baby home. Please continue to pray the Lord will bring us the right baby in his right timing. I am looking forward to the next step in our lives and meeting and building a close relationship with our birth mother whoever she is. I also ask for you to join me in prayer in praying for her as she has to make this hard decision in her life. I also pray that when she is in our lives David and I can be a witness to her and to win her to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I really don't know what to expect at this point, but until I do I am picturing us having the best relationship with her and our child will know her and love her.
Our profile letter is complete and now we just are waiting on the Lord to bring us our precious child. Now is the real test of faith. Up until this point we has some what control on how fast things progressed on how active we were in submitted paperwork and going to classes. Now it is just us putting 100% faith in the Lord he will bring our precious child home to us. It still could be several years yet. I will be OK if it takes that long because I just want the child the Lord has planned. For anyone who knows me knows that patience is never easy for me. I am such a planner in all things I do. At this point I we can do is pray and let the Lord do his work. This is such a big accomplishment thus far knowing the only step we have left is for a birth mother to choose us and bringing our baby home. Please continue to pray the Lord will bring us the right baby in his right timing. I am looking forward to the next step in our lives and meeting and building a close relationship with our birth mother whoever she is. I also ask for you to join me in prayer in praying for her as she has to make this hard decision in her life. I also pray that when she is in our lives David and I can be a witness to her and to win her to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I really don't know what to expect at this point, but until I do I am picturing us having the best relationship with her and our child will know her and love her.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
I just wanted to update on where we are pn the adoption process. Alot of people have been asking. So I thought I would blog about it. We submitted all the required paperwork that is needed and our homestudy is complete. I submitted the final draft of our profile letter this last Monday. We are just waiting to hear if we got approved as adoptive parents. Which hopefully we will get that call either this week or next week.
After we are approved we just wait for the phone call to let us know if we have been chosen. They do not share with us that we are being shown because they don't want us getting disappointed every time a mother doesn't choose us. In the mean time we are able to attend the PREPARE meeting put on bu the agency which helps us prepare for our adoption and meeting our birth mother. Our first one is this Tuesday night. So until I hear we are officially been accepted in that is all I have for now. So please continue to keep us in your prayers as the Lord continues to open his doors for us. All in the Lord's timing.
After we are approved we just wait for the phone call to let us know if we have been chosen. They do not share with us that we are being shown because they don't want us getting disappointed every time a mother doesn't choose us. In the mean time we are able to attend the PREPARE meeting put on bu the agency which helps us prepare for our adoption and meeting our birth mother. Our first one is this Tuesday night. So until I hear we are officially been accepted in that is all I have for now. So please continue to keep us in your prayers as the Lord continues to open his doors for us. All in the Lord's timing.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Our final meeting
I can't believe we are at the end! (well almost). We have our final home-study meeting on Monday! We have our profile letter written and our physical paperwork to turn in on Monday. All our background checks and fingerprints are done. So as long as our reference letters have been turned in I know I have at least 4 of the 7 that was sent out and our background checks are in and clear. We should just about be at the end of this and be ready to be on t he waiting list for a mother to choose us. The final thing that needs to be done is for our profile letter to be approved by the agency. I hope our personality shines through the letter. I found it difficult to write about myself in it. Thank you so much for the prayers that have been coming they have been felt. Please continue to pray as we reach the next level of our adoption that the Lord will bless us on His timing for our son or daughter who is ready to join our family. I am so excited and ready for this next chapter and pray that the Lord will continue to answer our prayers. Now we are just saving money to put the nursery together and for our lawyer fees for the finalization. When my mom is here in November we plan on starting the nursery decorating. We are obviously going to have to have a gender neutral themed nursery so I was thinking monkeys. Please check back in a few weeks for the good news that we have been approved and are on the waiting list.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day. Habakkuk 2: 3
For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day. Habakkuk 2: 3
Friday, August 31, 2012
I was going to wait until we were completely done with our home study for my next post, but we are almost completely done with it. Our last step is to write our profile letter that will be shown to potential birth mothers. At first I was really kind of freaked out about writing this letter but as I sat down today to start it, I realized not only is it there to be shown so we can be "chosen" but when I started writing about my walk with the Lord and how important He is to me. I realized I could use this letter as a testimony to my Faith. So not only will she see it but other birth mothers my see it to who do not choose us to parent their child but it could be used as a tool to maybe one day to win them to Christ. Because I want to make it known that Christ is at the top of our priorities and without Him we truly have nothing. I want her to know that her baby will be raised not only in a loving home filled with our love but also Christ's love. This child will be a gift from Him that he has used her as a tool to bring him/her to us and I want to be the tool to potentially bring her to Christ. How amazing would that be!!!
I long for a close relationship with our birth mother. I know not a lot of people understand that. Trust me I didn't either before I started this journey. I realized with an adoption our son or daughter will have questions about their birth families and I want them to have answers to those questions. With an open adoption relationship the birth mother will be there to answer those questions I cannot answer.
We have had 4 of our 5 meetings with our Social Worker who is an amazing person BTW. Our last meeting is on September 24th. After that I think we just need to get our profile letter approved and wait for the fingerprints and backgrounds checks to be approved. Than we are in the next chapter of the process the waiting game and only the Lord can answer how long that process is going to be it could be 12 weeks or a couple of years only He knows.
More to follow in the next couple of weeks.
I long for a close relationship with our birth mother. I know not a lot of people understand that. Trust me I didn't either before I started this journey. I realized with an adoption our son or daughter will have questions about their birth families and I want them to have answers to those questions. With an open adoption relationship the birth mother will be there to answer those questions I cannot answer.
We have had 4 of our 5 meetings with our Social Worker who is an amazing person BTW. Our last meeting is on September 24th. After that I think we just need to get our profile letter approved and wait for the fingerprints and backgrounds checks to be approved. Than we are in the next chapter of the process the waiting game and only the Lord can answer how long that process is going to be it could be 12 weeks or a couple of years only He knows.
More to follow in the next couple of weeks.
Friday, August 3, 2012
What a great giveaway
I know the chances of me winning this awesome stroller is really slim but I have to try all avenues. . Click the link for your chance to win too.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
My Testimony
I got woken up at 3:00 with a heavy heart to truly start living for Christ. I have been living the luke warm Christian life. I prayed and read my Bible but I just went through the emotions of it. Although I know I am a born again believer and I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. I have a hard time talking about it because I hate rejection but the Bible says in John 15:20 "Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also." So I know I will get made fun of and persecuted for sharing my faith and not everyone will like me for it but it has been on my heart lately so let me start off by writing how I came to know the Lord as my personal Savior.
I don't have one of those testimonies where the Lord saved me from Alcohol and drugs but he saved me from those things before I had a chance of getting involved with those things. I was blessed enough to be born in a family the truly loves the Lord and my parents had me in church 9 months before I was born. But as we all know just because we are born in a Christian home does not make us a Christian. We all have to come to that point where we realize we are sinners in our lives and need Christ to change us. (Romans 3:23- "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;). For me it was one Easter morning when I was in 1st grade so I was around 6 years old. In children's church at the Anchorage Baptist Temple. Being Easter they talked about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Romans 6:23- For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.) Because of the fall of man in Genesis the punishment of sin is death but God loved us so so much he sent his one and only Son Jesus Christ to come and take that punishment for us so that we can go to Heaven instead of Hell when we die. (Romans 5:23- But God commandeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.) I believed at just even 6 years old of age that if I prayed to him he could and would change me forever. (Romans 10:13-For whosover shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.) So that day I chose to say the prayer and have my name written in the Lambs book of life. My story doesn't end there though because even when you accept Christ as your personal savior we are still sinners and yes the Lord does forgive us for our sins we shouldn't use that as a crutch to do wrong. Although I believed Christ saved me that day.
I went on my life to live like a normal 6 year old would. I grew up mostly in Anchorage Alaska but my dad was in the military and we got transferred to New Jersey when I was about 13 or 14 years old. I was so angry with the world and God for making me move away from my friends in Alaska. I completely rebelled. Not in the since where I went out and did bad stuff but in my heart. I was always a people pleaser and did not want anyone to think bad of me. But I had no interest in going to church (than God for parents who forced me to.) I just hated like that 13 months in New Jersey and I wanted my parents to know it too. I acted out with tantrums yes tantrums at 13 years old. I can honestly say I am sorry for that year I acted like that. But we needed that year in New Jersey so my dad could finish his schooling and he had the opportunity to meet with our pastor from Anchorage and was offered a position back at our home church as one of the assistant pastors there. So if we never went to New Jersey I would have missed out on so much on my life now. We did move back to Alaska in September of 1999. Where I started High School at Anchorage Christian Schools.
I was so happy to be at a Christian School. Even though I was in a Christian School I continued to act out at home. It was only at home though because I couldn't let anyone see me acting like this I had to let everyone on the outside believe I was perfect. But right before my 16th birthday my church a revival with Jamie Ragel and he talked about living for Christ all the time and not just to say the sinner's prayer as a Fire Insurance. I realized that night that is exactly what I did back in the first grade is I said a life insurance prayer. So that night I went up to the alter which was extremely hard because I led everyone believe I was perfect all the time and this showed them I am not. But I realized I loved the Lord and I didn't care what others think. So on October 31, 2000. I truly rededicated my life to the Lord and was baptized a week later which is the first step of obedience after we are saved. I know this is long but I had to share it because it was on my heart.
I shared it not to boast on me but to boast on the Lord and what He has done for me if he can save me he can save you from anything you are going through. Just read over the verses I have in bold and call on Him and I promise He will come into your life and change you too. This is the one and only way we can be saved and go to Heaven and we never know when we are done here. God can call us home at anytime and we need to be ready. Are you ready?
I don't have one of those testimonies where the Lord saved me from Alcohol and drugs but he saved me from those things before I had a chance of getting involved with those things. I was blessed enough to be born in a family the truly loves the Lord and my parents had me in church 9 months before I was born. But as we all know just because we are born in a Christian home does not make us a Christian. We all have to come to that point where we realize we are sinners in our lives and need Christ to change us. (Romans 3:23- "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;). For me it was one Easter morning when I was in 1st grade so I was around 6 years old. In children's church at the Anchorage Baptist Temple. Being Easter they talked about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Romans 6:23- For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.) Because of the fall of man in Genesis the punishment of sin is death but God loved us so so much he sent his one and only Son Jesus Christ to come and take that punishment for us so that we can go to Heaven instead of Hell when we die. (Romans 5:23- But God commandeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.) I believed at just even 6 years old of age that if I prayed to him he could and would change me forever. (Romans 10:13-For whosover shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.) So that day I chose to say the prayer and have my name written in the Lambs book of life. My story doesn't end there though because even when you accept Christ as your personal savior we are still sinners and yes the Lord does forgive us for our sins we shouldn't use that as a crutch to do wrong. Although I believed Christ saved me that day.
I went on my life to live like a normal 6 year old would. I grew up mostly in Anchorage Alaska but my dad was in the military and we got transferred to New Jersey when I was about 13 or 14 years old. I was so angry with the world and God for making me move away from my friends in Alaska. I completely rebelled. Not in the since where I went out and did bad stuff but in my heart. I was always a people pleaser and did not want anyone to think bad of me. But I had no interest in going to church (than God for parents who forced me to.) I just hated like that 13 months in New Jersey and I wanted my parents to know it too. I acted out with tantrums yes tantrums at 13 years old. I can honestly say I am sorry for that year I acted like that. But we needed that year in New Jersey so my dad could finish his schooling and he had the opportunity to meet with our pastor from Anchorage and was offered a position back at our home church as one of the assistant pastors there. So if we never went to New Jersey I would have missed out on so much on my life now. We did move back to Alaska in September of 1999. Where I started High School at Anchorage Christian Schools.
I was so happy to be at a Christian School. Even though I was in a Christian School I continued to act out at home. It was only at home though because I couldn't let anyone see me acting like this I had to let everyone on the outside believe I was perfect. But right before my 16th birthday my church a revival with Jamie Ragel and he talked about living for Christ all the time and not just to say the sinner's prayer as a Fire Insurance. I realized that night that is exactly what I did back in the first grade is I said a life insurance prayer. So that night I went up to the alter which was extremely hard because I led everyone believe I was perfect all the time and this showed them I am not. But I realized I loved the Lord and I didn't care what others think. So on October 31, 2000. I truly rededicated my life to the Lord and was baptized a week later which is the first step of obedience after we are saved. I know this is long but I had to share it because it was on my heart.
I shared it not to boast on me but to boast on the Lord and what He has done for me if he can save me he can save you from anything you are going through. Just read over the verses I have in bold and call on Him and I promise He will come into your life and change you too. This is the one and only way we can be saved and go to Heaven and we never know when we are done here. God can call us home at anytime and we need to be ready. Are you ready?
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Update on life
I know I am doing a really horrible job on keeping everyone updated. That has kind of been on purpose though. After my last blog we went to our ADOPT Parenting class and we learned that it is our child's story to tell so I am sparing details and when our baby gets old enough he or she can tell their story to who ever they want to. I really enjoyed our weekedn in North Platte NE. It was a long drive but we got to meet some great people going through the same thing. The ADOPT parenting classes got me really excited about choosing and open adoption. To be honest, before the class I was agreeing with it just because I knew it would be easier to adopt through open adoption. But after hearing from birth mothers and their relationships and the adoptive parents. I found out you can really build friendships and life long relationships through adoption. Its like not only are we getting a baby but we also get some extended family here in Nebraska. It would be like a aunt uncle relationship to our child. I have focused my prayers to allow God to not only give us the baby he sees that will fit in our family but also to bless us with a birth mother who will be willing to have a family relationship with us. Like any new found relationship it will not be easy no relationship is. They all take work if you want them to last but at least our son or daughter will have the chance to get all his or hers questions asked by us and his or hers birth family. Right after we got home from the ADOPT classes David and I took the time over the weekend and prayed about it and we both agreed we were ready to move forward and we finally start our home study process August 6th! That in itself will not be an easy road but we are finally moving forward with our family growing! The LORD is good all the time!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
It's been a while
OK so a lot has happened since my last post. It's been several months.
First of all I wanted to start with our intake interview. We had that back on May 7,2012. That went well. It was a lot more detailed than I imagine. We just went over David and I's life story on how we met and talked about the adoption process. We were told to start reading some books about adoption and open adoption. The first book I read was "20 Things an adopted Child wish their Adoptive parents knew." This is a must read for anyone who has adopted or even thinking about adoption. It real puts you in your child's feeling. The next book I plan on reading is " The open adoption experience".
A few days after that we left to go on our Orgeon trip for 2 weeks. I really enjoyed that vacation and it was a MUCH needed one. I really enjoyed seeing family again, It had been 5 years since we were in Oregon. The last time we were their my sister in law Sally was pregnant with my neice Kassidy who is now 4.5 years old. I LOVED spending time with Kassidy she was so much fun to hang out with. I also went down to Roseburg and spent a week with my grandparents and my mom went to so I got to spend mother's day with her. I loved it but it was nice to come back home. Then a week later my dad, his sister and his parents came to Nebraska from Ohio to spend the weekend with us,
On June 4th David and I celebrated 7 years of marriage. How in the world have we been married that long already. Time is just flying by. It feels like I just walked down the aisle and here we are 7 years, 2 dogs, 3 houses and 2 states later, Its amazing what God can do in just 7 years.
OK, now back to the adoption. We just received our invitation to the Parenting Classes with the agency on July 12 & 13th. This is all the way in North Platte NE which is four and half hour drive one way. So we are going to have to make a mini vacation out of it. Which will be nice for David and I to spend some good quality time together and maybe meet some other adoptive couples too.
First of all I wanted to start with our intake interview. We had that back on May 7,2012. That went well. It was a lot more detailed than I imagine. We just went over David and I's life story on how we met and talked about the adoption process. We were told to start reading some books about adoption and open adoption. The first book I read was "20 Things an adopted Child wish their Adoptive parents knew." This is a must read for anyone who has adopted or even thinking about adoption. It real puts you in your child's feeling. The next book I plan on reading is " The open adoption experience".
A few days after that we left to go on our Orgeon trip for 2 weeks. I really enjoyed that vacation and it was a MUCH needed one. I really enjoyed seeing family again, It had been 5 years since we were in Oregon. The last time we were their my sister in law Sally was pregnant with my neice Kassidy who is now 4.5 years old. I LOVED spending time with Kassidy she was so much fun to hang out with. I also went down to Roseburg and spent a week with my grandparents and my mom went to so I got to spend mother's day with her. I loved it but it was nice to come back home. Then a week later my dad, his sister and his parents came to Nebraska from Ohio to spend the weekend with us,
My dad and I at the Sand and the City which is a NCHS fundraising event |
David and I at the most beautiful waterfall |
David and his dad |
David and I with his brother and his wife at the Soccer Game |
Shopping with our niece Kassidy |
Me and my beautiful Mama! |
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Us with my dad and aunt and Grandparents |
On June 4th David and I celebrated 7 years of marriage. How in the world have we been married that long already. Time is just flying by. It feels like I just walked down the aisle and here we are 7 years, 2 dogs, 3 houses and 2 states later, Its amazing what God can do in just 7 years.
OK, now back to the adoption. We just received our invitation to the Parenting Classes with the agency on July 12 & 13th. This is all the way in North Platte NE which is four and half hour drive one way. So we are going to have to make a mini vacation out of it. Which will be nice for David and I to spend some good quality time together and maybe meet some other adoptive couples too.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Forget my last post
You can forget my last post. I signed up for classes to attend Liberty Online and then we found out it was going to be over $1000 a class a total of $30,000 a year. David and I prayed about and decided this was not the right time for me to go to school. After doing research on what I could be making and what I make now. There wasn't a whole lot of difference in salary. So for now I am not going back to school. Disappointed yes but was it the right decision yes. I mean when the LORD does decide to bless us with our little blessing, my hope is to be able to stay home anyway so David was right this time its just not worth the debt. We are so close to being out of debt and I don't want to take another step backwards.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Going Back to school
What am I thinking? I decided I miss school so I decided to go back to school? This is something I really want to do but I am really nervous about it too. Not nervous about the school part. but nervous about the money. Can we really afford for me to go back to school? I applied for loans and everything but we are really wanting to get out of debt but for something like school is it really worth it? I am so glad I have such a supportive husband who is willing to let me do this even though he wants us to get out of debt. He really doesn't want to take on any more loans but he is willing to do it because this is something I really want to do. I love him so much! We both want me to stay home when we have kids so he really doesn't see why I need to go to school but I would like to have the degree under my belt just in-case I do have to work. I love the job I have now but its kind of hard to move up without a degree of some sort.
I decided to go with elementary education because I want to home school my kids and I want them to have the best education they can have. In order to do that I need to know what I am doing so to me it just seems right to do elementary education even though I may never actually become a real teacher but who know the LORD may be using this as a tool for him to open some doors in the future. Right now I am happy with the job I am at and it helps pay the bills. Who where the LORD will bring us but I know he will provide faithfully to us if we are faithful to him. He already has blessed us so much in the last 2 years we have been in Omaha. I can't believe we have been here 2 years already.
Don't get me wrong I miss Alaska and part of my heart will always be there but it feels so good to be in the will of the LORD. You know how you know it is the right decision to make but you just not sure if it is what you want. That's how I felt about moving here 2 years ago and the Lord mad everything fall into place with our condo selling in less than a month in this economy being able to afford a single family home in a quiet suburb in Omaha. Finding a wonderful church family that treats us like we have always been there and meeting wonderful friends here that treat us like we are apart of their family. Its been a hard but a good move and I think that is how school is going to be we will run into our challenges with it and may run into some financial binds especially bringing a baby into our family probably within the next 1-2 years whenever God sees fit. But I am ready for the challenge and I really miss school and I am going to a wonderful Christian University in Lynchburg VA called Liberty University online. I am so blessed to be doing this. I wish I would have gone in 2003 when I graduated from High School but now just seems to be the right timing.
I decided to go with elementary education because I want to home school my kids and I want them to have the best education they can have. In order to do that I need to know what I am doing so to me it just seems right to do elementary education even though I may never actually become a real teacher but who know the LORD may be using this as a tool for him to open some doors in the future. Right now I am happy with the job I am at and it helps pay the bills. Who where the LORD will bring us but I know he will provide faithfully to us if we are faithful to him. He already has blessed us so much in the last 2 years we have been in Omaha. I can't believe we have been here 2 years already.
Don't get me wrong I miss Alaska and part of my heart will always be there but it feels so good to be in the will of the LORD. You know how you know it is the right decision to make but you just not sure if it is what you want. That's how I felt about moving here 2 years ago and the Lord mad everything fall into place with our condo selling in less than a month in this economy being able to afford a single family home in a quiet suburb in Omaha. Finding a wonderful church family that treats us like we have always been there and meeting wonderful friends here that treat us like we are apart of their family. Its been a hard but a good move and I think that is how school is going to be we will run into our challenges with it and may run into some financial binds especially bringing a baby into our family probably within the next 1-2 years whenever God sees fit. But I am ready for the challenge and I really miss school and I am going to a wonderful Christian University in Lynchburg VA called Liberty University online. I am so blessed to be doing this. I wish I would have gone in 2003 when I graduated from High School but now just seems to be the right timing.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Update on the adoption process
Its been a while since I have blogged, mainly because our computer has been down the last few weeks. So I haven't had internet access except through my phone.
As you know from my last blog we submitted our application packet. Since then I have gotten a call from Nebraska Children's Home and they finally accepted our packet!!! YAY! We are scheduled for out intake interview on May 7th at 3:00. The thought of it being called and interview is kind of scary but its not an interview where we can be accepted or denied like our first agency we went through. This is just mainly learning how the process works and is an answer and question time for David and I and so the agency can get to know us on a more personal level too. Super Exciting! Then sometime in June we will be attending the A.D.O.P.T classes which is held on a Thursday and Friday all day long. I don't have details when or what that is about but I will find out more during the Intake Interview. If things go smoothly from here then we should be on the list for birth mothers to choose from by the end of the year, I just want to thank everyone for you prayers they are much much needed and appreciated. Thanks for reading. I will keep you posted
As you know from my last blog we submitted our application packet. Since then I have gotten a call from Nebraska Children's Home and they finally accepted our packet!!! YAY! We are scheduled for out intake interview on May 7th at 3:00. The thought of it being called and interview is kind of scary but its not an interview where we can be accepted or denied like our first agency we went through. This is just mainly learning how the process works and is an answer and question time for David and I and so the agency can get to know us on a more personal level too. Super Exciting! Then sometime in June we will be attending the A.D.O.P.T classes which is held on a Thursday and Friday all day long. I don't have details when or what that is about but I will find out more during the Intake Interview. If things go smoothly from here then we should be on the list for birth mothers to choose from by the end of the year, I just want to thank everyone for you prayers they are much much needed and appreciated. Thanks for reading. I will keep you posted
Monday, March 12, 2012
A little how I feel
I have had a rough week mainly emotionally. I have really been missing home and living near my parents. I also have been feeling like I am seeing everyone around get blessed and been feeling like my prayers have been ignored, Which is completely crazy I know but we all feel that way sometime if we are truly honest with ourselves. Even the best Christian out there feels that way from time to time.
But with dealing with infertility for the past 6 years and hitting every road block imaginable with the adoption I was starting to feel really down on myself. With the first agency denying us because we didn't have children already and the new agency sending our packet back to us wanting the entire credit report not just the summary and questioning why David was only in the military for 6 months. Then David getting flat out denied life insurance because his cholestrol was too low of all things. It just seemed that everything was going wrong. I am really starting to feel frustrated about it all. I was talking to a coworker about it and she said her father sells life insurance and so she gave us his number and he contacted us and he is able to get David life insurance for double what we needed without a Medical Exam! Wow! is the LORD Amazing or what?!
So we are sending out the adoption packet out again in the morning and pray that this will be the final time it will need to go out and then we can start our classes and home study and then hopefully will be on the adoption list by the end of the year. So what started out as a bummed day feeling down God really showed me He really was there for me in the hard time. (I never really doubted it but you all know what I mean).
20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen
But with dealing with infertility for the past 6 years and hitting every road block imaginable with the adoption I was starting to feel really down on myself. With the first agency denying us because we didn't have children already and the new agency sending our packet back to us wanting the entire credit report not just the summary and questioning why David was only in the military for 6 months. Then David getting flat out denied life insurance because his cholestrol was too low of all things. It just seemed that everything was going wrong. I am really starting to feel frustrated about it all. I was talking to a coworker about it and she said her father sells life insurance and so she gave us his number and he contacted us and he is able to get David life insurance for double what we needed without a Medical Exam! Wow! is the LORD Amazing or what?!
So we are sending out the adoption packet out again in the morning and pray that this will be the final time it will need to go out and then we can start our classes and home study and then hopefully will be on the adoption list by the end of the year. So what started out as a bummed day feeling down God really showed me He really was there for me in the hard time. (I never really doubted it but you all know what I mean).
Matthew 28:20
King James Version (KJV)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
What a fantastic busy week
This week was a blast very very busy but fun. It started out last Sunday we drove to Champaign IL to visit my best friend from AK. They went there to see some family and she couldn't be that close and me not go see her. People thought I was crazy for driving 7 hours to go there for just 1 night but I would do it over and over again.
Sunday night we went to Olive Garden for dinner and then we went shopping and just drove around town talking, Then on Monday morning we went to the mall and shopped some more and then had lunch at one of my new favorite places Steak and Shake oh how I wish we had one in Omaha. It was so good I inhaled it!
The rest of the week was incredibly bsy I mad e up taking Monday off throughout the week so I worked 6-5:30 Tues-Friday and I had something going on every night preparing for my Pampered Chef Party. Then Saturday morning I took the dogs into the vet for check-ups and since Bellah's allergies were not healed frm the hypoallergen dog food we had to to allergy testing on her. My poor baby girl has had a lot going on in her 2 years of life. her Belly is one big hive and her eyes are all goopy and swollen hopefully they will figure something out soon.
On Saturday afternoon I had my Secret Hostess Show to introduce the new product. I had a pretty good t urn out there was about 6 people there and then my Friend Virginia stayed over night because she lives 3 hours away and she took us to Thia food for the first time and I was in heaven that food was soo good.
I know I feel like I am rambling and all over the place but I am so tired I can't think straight so with that being said I will check in next week again.
Thanks for reading.
Sunday night we went to Olive Garden for dinner and then we went shopping and just drove around town talking, Then on Monday morning we went to the mall and shopped some more and then had lunch at one of my new favorite places Steak and Shake oh how I wish we had one in Omaha. It was so good I inhaled it!
The rest of the week was incredibly bsy I mad e up taking Monday off throughout the week so I worked 6-5:30 Tues-Friday and I had something going on every night preparing for my Pampered Chef Party. Then Saturday morning I took the dogs into the vet for check-ups and since Bellah's allergies were not healed frm the hypoallergen dog food we had to to allergy testing on her. My poor baby girl has had a lot going on in her 2 years of life. her Belly is one big hive and her eyes are all goopy and swollen hopefully they will figure something out soon.
On Saturday afternoon I had my Secret Hostess Show to introduce the new product. I had a pretty good t urn out there was about 6 people there and then my Friend Virginia stayed over night because she lives 3 hours away and she took us to Thia food for the first time and I was in heaven that food was soo good.
I know I feel like I am rambling and all over the place but I am so tired I can't think straight so with that being said I will check in next week again.
Thanks for reading.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Our week of God's blessings
Our week this week has been a lot of planning. My best friend from Alaska is flying to Illinois to see family so we are driving down tomorrow morning to spend Sunday and Monday morning with her and her husband. It will be a quick trip but an exciting one. I haven't seen her in such a long time and we have been the best of friends since High School. I can't wait to see her. More to come on this trip in next weeks blog along with some photos.
On another note I love seeing God at work! I have a friend back in Alaska her and her husband are also going through the adoption process. The Lord has laid it on their hearts to adopt from Thailand. I am so amazed how God has worked in their lives to bring this preious child home to them. They started the process just a short 6 months ago and are already on the waiting list! I am so excited for them. So they should have their little boy or girl in just about a year from now. As you know David and I have chosen to adopt locally and has been blessed to go through Nebraska Children's Home Society which is fortunate enough to not charge their clients for their adoptions. That is not the case with our friends adopting internationally that is a lt of cost for them and the Lord has blessed with that too but the LORD has placed it on my heart to help them out to bring their little one home.
With that being said I am donating my commission sales to them from my Open House with the Pampered Chef to their adoption. So if you would like to help them raise money for their child please go to my website and click on shop online choose option 1 and in the hostess name put "secret" and you can shop to that party and get the items delivered straight to your house and all proceeds will be donated to Darryl & Amanda towards their adoption.
On another note I love seeing God at work! I have a friend back in Alaska her and her husband are also going through the adoption process. The Lord has laid it on their hearts to adopt from Thailand. I am so amazed how God has worked in their lives to bring this preious child home to them. They started the process just a short 6 months ago and are already on the waiting list! I am so excited for them. So they should have their little boy or girl in just about a year from now. As you know David and I have chosen to adopt locally and has been blessed to go through Nebraska Children's Home Society which is fortunate enough to not charge their clients for their adoptions. That is not the case with our friends adopting internationally that is a lt of cost for them and the Lord has blessed with that too but the LORD has placed it on my heart to help them out to bring their little one home.
With that being said I am donating my commission sales to them from my Open House with the Pampered Chef to their adoption. So if you would like to help them raise money for their child please go to my website and click on shop online choose option 1 and in the hostess name put "secret" and you can shop to that party and get the items delivered straight to your house and all proceeds will be donated to Darryl & Amanda towards their adoption.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Something a little different.
I am trying something new in the blog to just to keep you updated not just on the adoption but our lives. Since the adoption is an important very important part of our lives its just that a part of our lives. There is so much more about us too. So every Saturday I am going to blog about how our week has been.
Today I went and did my normal grocery shopping trip and when I got home with my bags of food for the next two weeks I decided I needed to use the restroom before putting them away. I was gone ten minutes at best and when I came down stairs to put the groceries away I saw black styrofoam everywhere and my steaks I just bought was gone all gone nothing left but shredded styrofoam. Then I turned the corner into the living room and there was Brutus tearing into my roast like he was a hungry lion. Oh I was livid absolutely livid to the point my blood was boiling. I had to put them outside and called the vet. Just to make sure there was nothing wrong. She just said to keep an eye on them and if they get sick to bring them in. After that I put the in there kennels for a little over an hour and now they are not allowed on any furniture today as a punishment.
Earlier this month I signed Bellah up for a Self-Control Class I guess she really needs that class. Now that I am calmed down from the whole experience I can laugh about it and it is something I won't forget for a long long time. I guess even though you have dogs and treat them like humans in the long run they are still animals and they will go after that nature if temped in front of them. But I do love those dogs as if they are my babies and nothing will change that and though I was mad at them at the moment there is nothing they can do to change my love for them.
Today I went and did my normal grocery shopping trip and when I got home with my bags of food for the next two weeks I decided I needed to use the restroom before putting them away. I was gone ten minutes at best and when I came down stairs to put the groceries away I saw black styrofoam everywhere and my steaks I just bought was gone all gone nothing left but shredded styrofoam. Then I turned the corner into the living room and there was Brutus tearing into my roast like he was a hungry lion. Oh I was livid absolutely livid to the point my blood was boiling. I had to put them outside and called the vet. Just to make sure there was nothing wrong. She just said to keep an eye on them and if they get sick to bring them in. After that I put the in there kennels for a little over an hour and now they are not allowed on any furniture today as a punishment.
Earlier this month I signed Bellah up for a Self-Control Class I guess she really needs that class. Now that I am calmed down from the whole experience I can laugh about it and it is something I won't forget for a long long time. I guess even though you have dogs and treat them like humans in the long run they are still animals and they will go after that nature if temped in front of them. But I do love those dogs as if they are my babies and nothing will change that and though I was mad at them at the moment there is nothing they can do to change my love for them.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Our Packet came back
To my surprise our adoption packet came back today. NCHS wanted more detail in the packet than what we gave them. They wanted a full Credit Report and not just a summary, they wanted to know why David only spent 6 months in the Air Force they wanted to know how many children our siblings and parents have. Its crazy how much information they need from us. I guess they really want to know we are serious about the adoption. I mean wow there is so much information already and we are only at the beginning stages, but I am really excited about and can't wait for the next step!
Friday, February 10, 2012
1 year later
It has been an entire year since David and I have attended our first informational meeting. This week has been a very emotionally draining week. I am getting really impatient and want to start my family now. The hardest part so far is the waiting game. Who knew a year after deciding to adopt we would have gone through two agencies and alot of emotional roller coasters and still be at the very beginning of the process. This is going to be a long emotional road we are on. But I know when we do get to the end it will be the best day in my life.
One of the hardest things is waiting on the LORD's perfect timing. I know His timing is not our own and his way is the only way and I shouldnt write my own ending but it is really hard. We just submitted our application to Nebraska Children's Home Society this week. Even though we don't quite have David's life insurance in place yet they told me they don't need that until the home study process. So to go ahead and send the packet so they can get started on everything else.
I did volunteer to work with my agency with their Sand in the City Fundraiser they have each June. That will be exciting.
One of the hardest things is waiting on the LORD's perfect timing. I know His timing is not our own and his way is the only way and I shouldnt write my own ending but it is really hard. We just submitted our application to Nebraska Children's Home Society this week. Even though we don't quite have David's life insurance in place yet they told me they don't need that until the home study process. So to go ahead and send the packet so they can get started on everything else.
I did volunteer to work with my agency with their Sand in the City Fundraiser they have each June. That will be exciting.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
The PCOS Diet Plan
I just received the PCOS Diet Plan in the mail yesterday. I am so excited to start this new journey of stabilizing my PCOS naturally. I went to the grocery store and bought all the ingredients for the diet plan. I start it tomorrow, I am in the 4th chapter of the book. It is so full of knowledge and information. I just love it. Who knew that eating healthy was a math problem. I am praying that this will help the symptoms of PCOS naturally. In the book it said that women with PCOS have a 40% higher risk of developing full blown diabetes by the age of 40 and with diabetes already running heavily in my family I really need to focus on my diet and exercise. It also stated that women with PCOS also have a 4-7% higher risk of having a heart attack than women their age without PCOS.
I knew before reading this book I wanted to be more healthy with my diet and exercise but this book has really made it more evident in my life. I am so excited for this adventure and ready for the challenges. I know it won't be easy with all the temptations around. Lord know I love my sweets. The beauty of this diet plan is I don't have to give them up!! I just have to cut it WAY down. to maybe eating sweets once a week.
I will keep you posted as I learn more.
I knew before reading this book I wanted to be more healthy with my diet and exercise but this book has really made it more evident in my life. I am so excited for this adventure and ready for the challenges. I know it won't be easy with all the temptations around. Lord know I love my sweets. The beauty of this diet plan is I don't have to give them up!! I just have to cut it WAY down. to maybe eating sweets once a week.
I will keep you posted as I learn more.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Fighting PCOS
I have been doing some research the last several days on PCOS. I figured since I have to live with it the rest of my life I really should know exactly what is happening to my body. After doing research online I decided instead of taking hormones the rest of my life to help keep the flare ups from ocurring that I would conquer my symptoms naturally.
For those of you who don't know what PCOS is let me explain it to you a little. It stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I never knew I had it until after David and I miscarried in November of 2007. After finding out I had it I thought I was alone but in fact PCOS is one of the main causes for infertility today infecting 1 out of 15 women.
What it is in a nutshell is basically my body doesn't ovulate on a regular basis but it is way more complicated than that. It is a hormonal disorder that instead of releasing the egg it turns into tiny cysts. PCOS can often cause infertility, a high risk of miscarriages, diabetes, heart disease and even uterine cancer. Many doctors treat it with birth control or other hormones to balance the hormones your body doesn't produce.
But after reading online I discovered it can be treated more naturally with diet and exercise and not eating a high sugar diet. I also discovered the hormones don't help with the heart disease either. I just ordered me a book called "The PCOS Diet Plan" It is going to show me how to conquer PCOS naturally and get my body on track with over coming it. Although there is no cure for PCOS it can be managed and I plan to do it so I don't have my mood swings from the hormones or the fatigue. I want to be an active young woman who can help others too.
For those of you who don't know what PCOS is let me explain it to you a little. It stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I never knew I had it until after David and I miscarried in November of 2007. After finding out I had it I thought I was alone but in fact PCOS is one of the main causes for infertility today infecting 1 out of 15 women.
What it is in a nutshell is basically my body doesn't ovulate on a regular basis but it is way more complicated than that. It is a hormonal disorder that instead of releasing the egg it turns into tiny cysts. PCOS can often cause infertility, a high risk of miscarriages, diabetes, heart disease and even uterine cancer. Many doctors treat it with birth control or other hormones to balance the hormones your body doesn't produce.
But after reading online I discovered it can be treated more naturally with diet and exercise and not eating a high sugar diet. I also discovered the hormones don't help with the heart disease either. I just ordered me a book called "The PCOS Diet Plan" It is going to show me how to conquer PCOS naturally and get my body on track with over coming it. Although there is no cure for PCOS it can be managed and I plan to do it so I don't have my mood swings from the hormones or the fatigue. I want to be an active young woman who can help others too.
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