Alot but not alot has happened since my last post. So not adoption related but God has been really working in our lives since my last post. Especially with David in a good way. I have seen him grow in his walk with Christ these last few weeks, The Lord has opened up for him to preach at our church plant in Springfield, NE and he was able to go to our youth camp last week called Super Summer in Salina, KS. As his wife I am so proud of him. I am praying that The Lord will continue to work in His life and we are always in his will.
On another note we did have our yearly homestudy today and I just love our case worker. She is so easy to talk to. Now that is over for this year we are still just in the waiting game. I find it easier to get through to stay busy and not dwell on it that is why my posts have been far and few in between. Not that I don't mind talking about it because I do. Its just that there is nothing really to update on while we are waiting.
Until next time please continue to pray that The Lord will continue to prepare our hearts for our child and continue to gift the birth family the strength and courage they need.