Ever since we got on the active adoption list 3 months ago we have been attending PREPARE groups with our agency which has helped a lot because it helps me realize I am not the only one that God has given this path to. There are 100+ couples waiting for a baby and we are just 1 of those couples. Our agency only adopts out between 25-30 babies a year so we could still be waiting a few more years depending on the Lord's time. But these groups also help me a lot because each month we talk about a different topic to help us prepare for our future with our child and his or her birth family.
Many times I catch myself thinking what if we are never chosen and I never get to be a mother. Would I be OK with that? Not really because my heart aches to be a mom and God want to see our desires of our hearts come to pass but it has to be in his timing. I just cling on him and with prayer and dedication to Him he will bring the right baby to us. I don't know who my son or daughter is yet but I do know that he or she is a very special person because good things come to those who wait. I pray for him or her every single day and that they will come to know the Lord at a young age and not go through the things of this world. Who knows may be he will be the next great evangelist and win hundreds of souls to Christ! I know one thing I look forward to that day I get that phone call from the agency telling us a birth mother has chosen us to be the parents of her baby. Please continue to pray for her and the trials she will be facing to as she makes t his life changing decision.
Jeremiah 29:11
New International Version (NIV)