Waiting for you :)

Waiting for you :)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 in a nutshell

I can't believe 2013 has come to an end already? It seems like we just rung in 2013 and here we are about to ring in 2014. I hope 2013 brought you many blessings this year.

 David and I got to do a lot of fun things this year. Including concerts, and trips, and just fun things around here in Omaha.

In January we went to go see the National Figure Skating championships. That was so much fun. It was nice to see something up close in personal that I normally just sit and watch on TV.

In February I got to experience my very first every circus. I felt like a kid along with all the other kids. It was so much fun.

In March, I went to the Winter Jam Concerts of 2013. I got to see 10 Christian artist all in one concert. It was a lot of fun. I got too see Toby Mac, Jamie Gracie, and New Song just to name a few. It was a PACKED House. The most people I have seen in one location.

In April, We went to go see the Newsboys with our friends from church. I have to say this was my favorite concert all year!

In May my parents visited from Alaska for a week while they were here we went and walked the pedestrian bridge here in Omaha and was able to stand in two state at once.. It is always nice to have family in town. I really truly miss having family just miles away like when we were in Alaska. Family is the most important thing to me. David also went and visited his dad and brother in Portland at the end of May. I am so glad he was able to go see his family too.

In June David and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. Its crazy how fast time flies when you are having fun. We celebrated by going to dinner at a restaurant that was located on a lake which was absolutely beautiful. Also in June our agency puts on a huge fundraiser called Sand in the city where they build giant sand sculptures right here in downtown Omaha. Its great!

In July David spent a week at our  youth Summer camp with our church called Super Summer. He talked about that for months afterwards so I guess he had fun. I also got braces put on in July. We also spent much of the summer at the lake on our paddle boat.

August was a crazy but very busy month. The first weekend in August David and I got to go experience the US Open which actually took place right across the street from our house and then I flew to Ohio for a weekend to celebrate my grandpa's 80th birthday and then on the last week of August David and I flew home to Alaska for two weeks.

 In September I got somewhere along the lines of 14 inches off my hair and donated it to Locks of Love and I also got to shoot my first gun ever.

In October I went to Vala's Pumpkin patch with my friend Amber's family. It was my first time going to the pumpkin patch and I will never miss a year again!!
In November my aunt and uncle and cousin Timothy came and visited for Thanksgiving. It was so nice having family for Thanksgiving this year.

And December sadly I had to make another trip to Ohio. My grandpa went home to be with Jesus on December 1, 2013. His service was wonderful. He had full military honors and my dad did his service and did a wonderful job too. When I got home we had a Feast at our house with all our friend from church it was alot of fun. We even went and had a Bonfire in 18 degrees.

So as you can tell our year was full of  fun and excitment and I can wait to share this with our child one day. Whoever the Lord chooses our child to be will be in a family that like to have fun. I hope you guys have a BLESSED 2014 and we want to thank you for taking the time to stop and read our blog and pray for our adoption. Maybe 2014 will be the year you get good news. Please continue to pray and keep Christ first

Love Always
David and Bekah DeHart

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Waiting is hard

I am writing this to let you know that waiting is not so easy. I know everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for us but that doesn't make the waiting any easier. How can I miss someone I never even met or hasn't even been born yet or may not even be conceived yet? My heart aches to be a mother and I wonder if that day will ever get to come. We have been working with our agency for 2 years now and have been in the adoptive parent pool for one of those years. I go through my up and downs. I know that God has the perfect child for us but waiting on him or her is so hard when I want nothing more to be a mom.

I know that God can see the big picture and He is looking down right now saying be patient my child for I have it under control. Its like a child waiting for Christmas to come and wanting to know what the get right now. I know that one day when this journey is behind us and we have our child all the pain and sadness I feel will all be just a memory and our child will be worth the wait and I will hardly remember what it is like to have a house empty of quietnes and toys.

I am praying the Lord's will be done but I also am praying it is sooner than later. I just ask that you continue to pray for the right child to come into our home and the The Lord will give me peace in waiting on the child he has planned for us.

Philippians 4:19 - But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Update from the agency

Yesterday David and I went to our monthly PREPARE group. This one was the yearly update on how many babies were adopted out in 2012. For 2012 their were approximately 30 babies adopted out which is slightly higher that 2011. Again there is no average for how long our wait is. In 2012 there was one couple who only waited 4 months! The longest wait for a couple chosen this year was 7.5 years. So it really just depends on your profile letter and what the birth family is looking for in a  prospective adoptive family. Although we are still waiting to be chosen I feel blessed enough to even be on the list of waiting families. Right now there are 89 prospective adoptive families that are all wanting the same thing we want. I am just continuing to pray the Lord will continue to work with us and maybe we will be one of the 2013 families.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Update 7-24-2013

Alot but not alot has happened since my last post. So not adoption related but God has been really working in our lives since my last post. Especially with David in a good way. I have seen him grow in his walk with Christ these last few weeks, The Lord has opened up for him to preach at our church plant in Springfield, NE and he was able to go to our youth camp last week called Super Summer in Salina, KS. As his wife I am so proud of him. I am praying that The Lord will continue to work in His life and we are always in his will.

On another note we did have our yearly homestudy today and I just love our case worker. She is so easy to talk to. Now that is over for this year we are still just in the waiting game. I find it easier to get through to stay busy and not dwell on it that is why my posts have been far and few in between. Not that I don't mind talking about it because I do. Its just that there is nothing really to update on while we are waiting.

Until next time please continue to pray that The Lord will continue to prepare our hearts for our child and continue to gift the birth family the strength and courage they need.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Time to update

We have to update our profile and letter and renew our homestudy every year. Well, Its hard to believe its been a year already!! We got our homestudy renewal packet in the mail yesterday and its not near as fun to fill out a second time as it was the first time around. The first time around I was so excited to finally be at this point I flew through the paperwork. Getting it a second time is just a confirmation it is taking a little longer to be chosen then I hoped for. But on the other hand it gives us an opportunity to update our letter and make changes to it if we want too. I want to try to make it more personable to the birth mom as she reads it. I want our personality to shine through that letter and make her want us to be the parents for her child. Please pray God gives me wisdom and the words to say in our letter describing ourselves to her. This I have to say is the hardest part about the adoption process because you want to make myself look fun and the great person I am, but on the other hand I don't want to sound conceded. I find it really hard to talk about myself and my accomplishments. Hopefully if it be God's will this will be the last time we have to do our homestudy paperwork. It's crazy how fast this year went. Until next time please continue to pray on the Lord's timing and not our own.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day. Habakkuk 2: 3

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sand in the City 2013

Each year our agency puts on the sand in the city which is their biggest fund raiser all year. I volunteered to work the Kid Zone. I had a blast doing it. I was a little disappointed when I woke up and it was forecasted to storm all day. On my drive down to the Century Link the rain was coming so hard I could hardly see out my windshield I wanted to turn around and go home. I kept pressing forward and I am glad I did because the sand sculptures were amazing. The talent that the people have to put this on is amazing. They start and finish the sculptures the Friday before the Sand in the City and only have 6 hours to complete. So all the sculptures you see were done in 6 hours or less. This event is so much fun. Not only are there the sand sculptures but there is face painting, cookie decorating, and games for the kids and live bands playing in the background. Even though it was a little soggy all in all it was a great day.