OK so a lot has happened since my last post. It's been several months.
First of all I wanted to start with our intake interview. We had that back on May 7,2012. That went well. It was a lot more detailed than I imagine. We just went over David and I's life story on how we met and talked about the adoption process. We were told to start reading some books about adoption and open adoption. The first book I read was "20 Things an adopted Child wish their Adoptive parents knew." This is a must read for anyone who has adopted or even thinking about adoption. It real puts you in your child's feeling. The next book I plan on reading is " The open adoption experience".
A few days after that we left to go on our Orgeon trip for 2 weeks. I really enjoyed that vacation and it was a MUCH needed one. I really enjoyed seeing family again, It had been 5 years since we were in Oregon. The last time we were their my sister in law Sally was pregnant with my neice Kassidy who is now 4.5 years old. I LOVED spending time with Kassidy she was so much fun to hang out with. I also went down to Roseburg and spent a week with my grandparents and my mom went to so I got to spend mother's day with her. I loved it but it was nice to come back home. Then a week later my dad, his sister and his parents came to Nebraska from Ohio to spend the weekend with us,
My dad and I at the Sand and the City which is a NCHS fundraising event |
David and I at the most beautiful waterfall |
David and his dad |
David and I with his brother and his wife at the Soccer Game |
Shopping with our niece Kassidy |
Me and my beautiful Mama! |
Us with my dad and aunt and Grandparents |
On June 4th David and I celebrated 7 years of marriage. How in the world
have we been married that long already. Time is just flying by. It
feels like I just walked down the aisle and here we are 7 years, 2 dogs,
3 houses and 2 states later, Its amazing what God can do in just 7
OK, now back to the adoption. We just received our invitation to the Parenting Classes with the agency on July 12 & 13th. This is all the way in North Platte NE which is four and half hour drive one way. So we are going to have to make a mini vacation out of it. Which will be nice for David and I to spend some good quality time together and maybe meet some other adoptive couples too.