And He took the children in his arms, put His hands on them and blessed them." - Mark 10:16
Waiting for you :)

Friday, April 27, 2012
Forget my last post
You can forget my last post. I signed up for classes to attend Liberty Online and then we found out it was going to be over $1000 a class a total of $30,000 a year. David and I prayed about and decided this was not the right time for me to go to school. After doing research on what I could be making and what I make now. There wasn't a whole lot of difference in salary. So for now I am not going back to school. Disappointed yes but was it the right decision yes. I mean when the LORD does decide to bless us with our little blessing, my hope is to be able to stay home anyway so David was right this time its just not worth the debt. We are so close to being out of debt and I don't want to take another step backwards.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Going Back to school
What am I thinking? I decided I miss school so I decided to go back to school? This is something I really want to do but I am really nervous about it too. Not nervous about the school part. but nervous about the money. Can we really afford for me to go back to school? I applied for loans and everything but we are really wanting to get out of debt but for something like school is it really worth it? I am so glad I have such a supportive husband who is willing to let me do this even though he wants us to get out of debt. He really doesn't want to take on any more loans but he is willing to do it because this is something I really want to do. I love him so much! We both want me to stay home when we have kids so he really doesn't see why I need to go to school but I would like to have the degree under my belt just in-case I do have to work. I love the job I have now but its kind of hard to move up without a degree of some sort.
I decided to go with elementary education because I want to home school my kids and I want them to have the best education they can have. In order to do that I need to know what I am doing so to me it just seems right to do elementary education even though I may never actually become a real teacher but who know the LORD may be using this as a tool for him to open some doors in the future. Right now I am happy with the job I am at and it helps pay the bills. Who where the LORD will bring us but I know he will provide faithfully to us if we are faithful to him. He already has blessed us so much in the last 2 years we have been in Omaha. I can't believe we have been here 2 years already.
Don't get me wrong I miss Alaska and part of my heart will always be there but it feels so good to be in the will of the LORD. You know how you know it is the right decision to make but you just not sure if it is what you want. That's how I felt about moving here 2 years ago and the Lord mad everything fall into place with our condo selling in less than a month in this economy being able to afford a single family home in a quiet suburb in Omaha. Finding a wonderful church family that treats us like we have always been there and meeting wonderful friends here that treat us like we are apart of their family. Its been a hard but a good move and I think that is how school is going to be we will run into our challenges with it and may run into some financial binds especially bringing a baby into our family probably within the next 1-2 years whenever God sees fit. But I am ready for the challenge and I really miss school and I am going to a wonderful Christian University in Lynchburg VA called Liberty University online. I am so blessed to be doing this. I wish I would have gone in 2003 when I graduated from High School but now just seems to be the right timing.
I decided to go with elementary education because I want to home school my kids and I want them to have the best education they can have. In order to do that I need to know what I am doing so to me it just seems right to do elementary education even though I may never actually become a real teacher but who know the LORD may be using this as a tool for him to open some doors in the future. Right now I am happy with the job I am at and it helps pay the bills. Who where the LORD will bring us but I know he will provide faithfully to us if we are faithful to him. He already has blessed us so much in the last 2 years we have been in Omaha. I can't believe we have been here 2 years already.
Don't get me wrong I miss Alaska and part of my heart will always be there but it feels so good to be in the will of the LORD. You know how you know it is the right decision to make but you just not sure if it is what you want. That's how I felt about moving here 2 years ago and the Lord mad everything fall into place with our condo selling in less than a month in this economy being able to afford a single family home in a quiet suburb in Omaha. Finding a wonderful church family that treats us like we have always been there and meeting wonderful friends here that treat us like we are apart of their family. Its been a hard but a good move and I think that is how school is going to be we will run into our challenges with it and may run into some financial binds especially bringing a baby into our family probably within the next 1-2 years whenever God sees fit. But I am ready for the challenge and I really miss school and I am going to a wonderful Christian University in Lynchburg VA called Liberty University online. I am so blessed to be doing this. I wish I would have gone in 2003 when I graduated from High School but now just seems to be the right timing.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Update on the adoption process
Its been a while since I have blogged, mainly because our computer has been down the last few weeks. So I haven't had internet access except through my phone.
As you know from my last blog we submitted our application packet. Since then I have gotten a call from Nebraska Children's Home and they finally accepted our packet!!! YAY! We are scheduled for out intake interview on May 7th at 3:00. The thought of it being called and interview is kind of scary but its not an interview where we can be accepted or denied like our first agency we went through. This is just mainly learning how the process works and is an answer and question time for David and I and so the agency can get to know us on a more personal level too. Super Exciting! Then sometime in June we will be attending the A.D.O.P.T classes which is held on a Thursday and Friday all day long. I don't have details when or what that is about but I will find out more during the Intake Interview. If things go smoothly from here then we should be on the list for birth mothers to choose from by the end of the year, I just want to thank everyone for you prayers they are much much needed and appreciated. Thanks for reading. I will keep you posted
As you know from my last blog we submitted our application packet. Since then I have gotten a call from Nebraska Children's Home and they finally accepted our packet!!! YAY! We are scheduled for out intake interview on May 7th at 3:00. The thought of it being called and interview is kind of scary but its not an interview where we can be accepted or denied like our first agency we went through. This is just mainly learning how the process works and is an answer and question time for David and I and so the agency can get to know us on a more personal level too. Super Exciting! Then sometime in June we will be attending the A.D.O.P.T classes which is held on a Thursday and Friday all day long. I don't have details when or what that is about but I will find out more during the Intake Interview. If things go smoothly from here then we should be on the list for birth mothers to choose from by the end of the year, I just want to thank everyone for you prayers they are much much needed and appreciated. Thanks for reading. I will keep you posted
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