It is so great to have the family & friend support through all of this. I dont know what I would do without my friends & family and having each of their prayers in helping me through the emotional roller coaster of adopting. It is so emotional because I know that the birthmom is making a really hard decision I mean she has loved and cared for this gift from God for 9 months and now is choosing to let complete strangers raise their child. That is the most selfless thing a human being can do. I will always be eternally grateful for that woman for such a selfless act. There is probably a fear of the unknown on both ends of the story. My fear is that we put so much time and energy into doing all the paperwork and then she changes her mind. Which she will have every right to do. Her fear is probably the fear of knowing that she is making the right decision.
We have already begun the homestudy process and it is very very detailed. It really feels like I am a criminal they want to know every little detail about me and David. From directions to our house to our finances to our childhood life to what are parent's personalities are to getting background checks and finger prints from the FBI and the state. It is crazy how much they want to know about us. But I love my little monkey so much already that it is extremely worth it to me. I would give my right arm to be able to start my family. I know that the LORD has a precious little baby out there just waiting for the love that David and I have for it.
I just wanted to publically thank my wonderful friends & family for the wonderful support you all have blessed us with,