And He took the children in his arms, put His hands on them and blessed them." - Mark 10:16
Waiting for you :)

Monday, January 31, 2011
A fork in the road
OK. So the IUI was unsuccessful again!. I was so terribly upset because I was almost convinced that it had worked this time. I am so tired of putting money and time and energy into something that is emotionally physically exausting. So after hours I mean hours of talking David and I decided to go with adoption. So I think I am going to creat a website about our life story so that potential birth mothers can read it and hopefully choose us. Know we just got to do our homework and choose the right agency for us. I pray that this process goes smoothly and we will soon have a baby in our arms for us to teach to love and honor the LORD.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
The waiting game
I finally had my IUI done on the 15th of January. Other than being very uncomfortable it seemed to go well. I cramped alot the first day, but after that I have been fine until the last tw odays where I have been having cramps that are kind of like menstrual cramps. This two week wait is killing me to see if it took or not. I am really anxious to find out. My whole life depends on this. I have been wanting a baby for so looong. Sorry guys if it is positive you wont know until my 12th week. We don't plan on announcing anything until the 2nd trimester because of my previous pregnancy didn't last that long. So we are waiting until the "safe zone" but I will keep you updated.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Ultrasound #4
I had another ultrsound today and it started like all the others saying that I have plenty of follicles but not quite big enough. The tech even said she wish she could see them in 3D because I had 3 or 4 of them on top of each other. But when she got to the other side I had on follicle right where it needed to be and there where one or two more right behind. So we are finally going to be able to do the IUI on Saturday! I can't wait. Now it is going to be just praying and waiting it is all on the LORD if he chooses to allow this procedure to work. Of course I am serioudly praying and hoping with all of my heart that we conceive this time and we are able to finally have the child I have so wanted for so long. I am so ready for the journey of trying to conceive to be over and start our new chapter in our life as parents. Whether we are parents to one, two, or three children. It would not matter to me. I just want a healthy child that will grow up and love the LORD.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Ultrasound #3
Ok. So the ultrasound again did not go as planned. My body is sooo lazy. I just wish I could force my body to do what it needs to do. But anyway not all hope is lost. I have to give myself injectibles for the next 3 days to hyper jump my ovaries in to doing what they need to do. The only thing is with this medication the chances of multiples goes from 2 % to 25%, but you as long as I have been wanting to have a child. I could have quads and be OK with it because I want to be a mommy more than anything in this world.
I have to go in for another ultrasound in on Thursday. Hopefully with some good news that David and I can finally get to do the IUI!!!!! Please keep us in your deepest prayers. I know the LORD can work miracles in all situation and there is strength in numbers.
I have to go in for another ultrasound in on Thursday. Hopefully with some good news that David and I can finally get to do the IUI!!!!! Please keep us in your deepest prayers. I know the LORD can work miracles in all situation and there is strength in numbers.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Ultrasound #2
So I went in for my second ultrasound hoping that my follicles were gt but instead my follicles only grew 2 mm since last Wednesday. They went from a 6-8 and they have to be between 18-25mm to be considered a mature follicle for the egg. I have to go back in on Monday for another Ultra$ound. Hopefully Monday they are mature. But for some reason I am not holding out much hope. But we will see God does miracles.
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