And He took the children in his arms, put His hands on them and blessed them." - Mark 10:16
Waiting for you :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Things are Rolling
So we are on the right track for the IUI. I went and had an ultrasound today and the nurse said everything looks picture perfect. I start Clomid tomorrow for the next 5 days and then I go back in next Wednesday for another Ultrasound and some labs. If that all goes good. Then I administer myself the HCG shots and I get to go in for the IUI some time in the next 10days so please pray we get to do and it finally works.
Friday, December 17, 2010
So frustrated
We have been planning on finally doing the IUI in November, but since I never had my cycle since October 16th we were not able to do that. So I finally called my R.E. to talked to him about it and since all my home EPT tests were coming back negative. He has put me on progesterone a hormone to help me to kick start my cycle. So after 10 days of taking this I should have my cycle and we can FINALLY do our first round of the IUI with the R.E. So I guess the waiting game continues...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Grocery Day
I know not a whole lot of people talk about their grocery shopping experience but this one I had to write about. It was absolutely dead in the grocer store so I was able to get in and get out. The checkout was phenominal. I had 3 people checking me out (as in my groceries) Anyway The casher was ringing things up then the maanger was helping me unload my cart and as he was unloading he was scanning too with the hand scanner than the bagger. The bagger was asked to help out another lady. Then on ym way out I heard the lady talking to the bagger about Christ and his family. She just happened to park next to me and the next thing I know her and the bagger boy was praying. When they were done I told them that was the sweetest thing I ever seen. I told her I was a christian too. She then asked me to pray for "Chaz" the bagger because he was just delivered from bondage. So I am not sure if she led him to Christ but she definatley planted a seed for sure. The whole drive home I was singing praises and smiling from ear to ear. It really touched me..
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010
Thanksgiving was so much fun. We had my father in law n town and after we ate we watch aout 4 movies. Oh, BTW I mad everything we ate all by myself. I was so proud! David did carve the turkey though
Friday, November 12, 2010
A sad day
Novemeber 10, 2010 was a sad day for my faily. We had to put down my childhood beagle named Bandit. He was such a loyal dog to our family. We got him when he was just 6 weeks old. He was the last beagle in my dad's beagle bloodline. My dad had Bandit's Grandfather growing up and My uncle had his father and then we got Bandit. I remember the day we got Bandit like it was yesterday. My dad went to go pick up an "old friend" from the airport. When he came home he woke me up saying that his friend wanted to meet me. So being the obeying 11 year old I was. I went downstairs without a fight. NOT! I fought my dad on going downstair to go meet his friend I had no intrest in meeting. But when I got downstairs I was so excstatic that what I found was a puppy instead!! I didnt want to go back to bed after that. We decided and we I mean my dad to name him Bandit because within a few seconds he stole Samantha's Toys and bone. Bandit stole more than the toys that day he stole the heart of 4 loving people that fell in love with him instantly. That was the fastest 14 years of my life. I remember when my dad snuck him in JcPemeys in his suit pocket. He would also steal damp towels and just root himself in them wheter it was from the hampe or you bed. He made us laugh all the time. What great memories of a great great dog! I could share more but I would be here for 14 years doing it. Bandit we Love you and Miss you. Rest In Peace Buddy.
Bandit Barnhart July 22, 1996- November 10, 2010
Bandit Barnhart July 22, 1996- November 10, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I just wanted to give a quick update on Abbey. She is out of the hospital and doing good. On the other her hand her mom my cousin Rachel, was 16 weeks pregnant and lost the baby due to a tubal pregnancy. She is in alot of pain emotionally and physically. So please continue to keep there family in your prayers as they are going through this tough time. I feel really connected to Rachel now since I lost a baby 3 years ago. Although I was not that far along in my pregnancy it still hurts. I just pray that God gives Rachel the courage and strength to get through. I just love her.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Prayer Request
Ok this blog is not about me and my journey. It is requesting a prayer request for my cousin Rachel's little girl. Her name is Abbey and she is only 15 months old and has been hospitalized since Thursday 10/28. She has MRSA in her knee and all I know right now is that they did an MRI on it because it is filled with blood and other fluids. I guess they called in some specialist for her because the Drs are puzzled. So pleease pray for Rachel and Abby.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Almost there...
Today was my last round of my MMR shot! That means that on my next cycle I get to call my RE ( Reproductive Endocrinologist) to start my IUI process. I call him on day one and then he will put me on Clomid and then if my eggs mature the way they are suppossed to then. Hopefully late November early December we will do our first round of the IUI.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Life's Paths
We went to see the RE on September 28th. That visit was short and sweet but he had some good news for us. After waiting for an eternity he told us that in November we would be able to have the IUI done.
But I think the LORD may be leading us in a different direction. Only God knows as I know more I will share where we might be headed. So right now I am just asking for the Lord's guidence and his directions because I don't want to go down the one the Lord doesn't want me to. I just pray he would make it clear.
But I think the LORD may be leading us in a different direction. Only God knows as I know more I will share where we might be headed. So right now I am just asking for the Lord's guidence and his directions because I don't want to go down the one the Lord doesn't want me to. I just pray he would make it clear.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Lab Update
Lets start off yesterday on a good note. I got to meet my new OBGYN Dr. Cote. He is so nice and so friendly he is there to get to know his patients which makes you feel more comfortable tellng him my life story. Anyway thats all that appointment was, was for him to get to know my family history.
When I got back to the office I had a voicemail on my phone asking me to call the reproductive endocrinoligst right away because my lab results were in. At first I was freaked out because I automatically assume the worst about things. I get it honestly.. Anways, All she said was that my labs came back that my body shows that I am not immune to the measles, mumps or chickenpox. I had the measles and mumps vaccine as a child plus I had the chickenpox when I was 5. I guess the measles and mumps shot wears off after a while and sometimes you don't get immune to the chickenpox if you have a mild case of it. So on Monday I have to go in for the measles and mumps shot and my first round of chicken pox vaccine. Then in a month I get to go get my second round of the chicken pox vaccine. Then we have to wait a month after that to even get started trying to have a child. They don't want me to get pregnant until at least a month after my vaccines. So I guess it will still be a little while longer. I know this is a long tunnel but I am sure there is a light at the end somewhere.
When I got back to the office I had a voicemail on my phone asking me to call the reproductive endocrinoligst right away because my lab results were in. At first I was freaked out because I automatically assume the worst about things. I get it honestly.. Anways, All she said was that my labs came back that my body shows that I am not immune to the measles, mumps or chickenpox. I had the measles and mumps vaccine as a child plus I had the chickenpox when I was 5. I guess the measles and mumps shot wears off after a while and sometimes you don't get immune to the chickenpox if you have a mild case of it. So on Monday I have to go in for the measles and mumps shot and my first round of chicken pox vaccine. Then in a month I get to go get my second round of the chicken pox vaccine. Then we have to wait a month after that to even get started trying to have a child. They don't want me to get pregnant until at least a month after my vaccines. So I guess it will still be a little while longer. I know this is a long tunnel but I am sure there is a light at the end somewhere.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Its hard being patient
It is really hard waiting on the LORD's timing on things when you want something so bad. I feel like I have to jump through hoops just to get something the LORD commanded us to do. All I want is a baby after all he did say be fruitful and multiply. So why can't I! I just don't understand why I can't have one that will be in a loving Christian home. I know God has a purpose and a reason for everything. And in everything the LORD's will needs to be done.
At least we are getting things picked up again. I had some labs and bloodwork this morning and on September 20th David has his testing. On September 28th we go in for a consultation with the Reproductive Endocrinologist to see which option is best for us. Me, personally I would rather adopt and just havle a child in my arms to love. I could careless if it came from my womb or not. David really wants to have his own flesh and blood. So now the waiting game has begun. I just pray God continues to open doors for us and whichever option we choose the LORD will direct us that way.
At least we are getting things picked up again. I had some labs and bloodwork this morning and on September 20th David has his testing. On September 28th we go in for a consultation with the Reproductive Endocrinologist to see which option is best for us. Me, personally I would rather adopt and just havle a child in my arms to love. I could careless if it came from my womb or not. David really wants to have his own flesh and blood. So now the waiting game has begun. I just pray God continues to open doors for us and whichever option we choose the LORD will direct us that way.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Ohio Pictures
Here are a few picture from our Ohio Trip
Granma with Bellah |
My Granpa with Bellah |
Bellah riding in the car |
Granma Granpa Me and Dave |
Me with Aunt Vicki and Lacey Bug |
Kings Island Baby!! |
Me with my babies and Aunt Cheryl |
First Roller Coaster in 7 years had to be the one where you were laying down didn't it |
A reunion after 11 years with my childhood best friend. We know eahother since 3rd grade |
![]() |
Me & My Cousin Sherry |
Brutus Sleeping most of the trip |
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
We are leaving for Ohio in just a few short hours. We are going to go see my grandparents over the Labor Day weekend. I am really excited because this willl be our first long road trip together. We are packing up the car and us and the two dogs are headed out. I am excited but nervous at the same time. We are leaving first thing in the morning so we can take our time and get there slowly. I will keep you all posted on the trip when we get back. We are going to be going to either Kings Island or Cedar Point one of the days we are there. Then on Sunday my aunts and uncle will be coming over so we all could see them. On monday on our way back home I am meeting up with my childhood best friend we haven't seen eachother in 11 years. Wow! I can't believe we are adults now and married with our own families now. Its crazy it seem like we were just little girls playing house and now we are living house. Lol! I am so excited. Can't wait to tell you all that went on when I get back!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Nebraska State Fair 2010
So I went to the Nebraska state fair expecting it to be just like Alaska's after all aren't all state fairs the same? Well guess what? They are not. The first thing we did was go in to the barn and look at all the different vendors. Then we both were hungry so we started to look for the food. On our way to the food we saw some camels that kids were riding on. In all my years of living I have never seen this.
We finally found the food, but nothing seemed to be what I wanted. I finally came across the Beef Sundaes but they were all sold out. So I settled for a Corn Dog. I then got a freshley squeezed lemonade that was sooo good. I don't know if it was because I was so thirsty or not but I down it like I have been in a desert for weeks.
The next thing to do on my list was to try to find the photo button booth. I thought every fair had one. Nope not this fair. We walked around for hours to try to find one. That's OK. We got to see all sorts of different things. I had a good time with my husband, It all about who you are with that makes things fun. We still got a picture taken together and I am going to make my own Photo button. Who knows maybe in the future I will get to run a Photo Button Booth at the Nebraska State Fair? You never know.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
First Appointment
Today we had our first appointment with the Fertility Center. It actually went better than I expected. We can get started as soon as we do some bloodwork and more testing on David. It was really encouraging. This doctor really seems to know what he is doing. He did advise me to find a good OB here and get a Prenatal appointment before we do anything so any of you that know of a good OB in Omaha let me know. That is really all I have to report nothing much today except a consultation.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
David's 26th Birthday
David just turned 26 yesterday so to celebrate he wanted to go to the CoCo Keys Water Park. I was hesitant at first because I really don't like water slides, but when we got there it actually was pretty nice. We played basketball in the water. I beat him brutally at it. We then went to sit in the hot tub which was so nice and relaxing. They had a lazy river which I enjoyed because we all know I am lazy.
Davif on the lazy River David Playing water basketball David clirnbing the monley bars After he did it the life gurad came and shook his hand for being the first adult the saw do that |
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Reason for the Blog
Everyone is doing it these days right? Well, I never have really gotten into. I tried it before but it never really worked out because I really didn't have anything interesting to say. When the LORD moved us to Omaha. I have missed AK so much I thought I would blog about that. But I have been led to a different direction.
The reason for this blog is for our Life Journey into parenthood. This journey has been a long road with many road blocks that we are still walking. I am praying one day I see the end of the road and get to have a precious gift from God in my arms. This is how are journey began.
On June 4, 2005. I married my best friend David. We both knew we wanted children about a year after we got married. About 6 month after we got married we decided to go ahead and see where the LORD leads us. Well this went on for about 2 years than fnally in November 2007 I finally saw that positive test I have been hoping for. That was really short lived because about a week after that positive I ended up miscarrying my child. That in itself was rough. So in February 2008 we decided to go to the doctor to see what was up.
He ran several different tests on both me and David. It turns out I ended up having PCOS (Polystic Ovarian Syndrom) This is where my body does release eggs lke it is suppossed to and I don't ovulate regularly. He said it was a miracle in itself that I even conceived in the first place. He said we would only have like a 2% chance of ever conceiving on our own.
So he recommended that we go through severla different revenues on making our dream come true. I have tried being put on ovulatory medicine. In April of this year we even tried the IUI that was also unsuccessful. We have two more tries of that but we moved to NE in the middle of it so we took like a 6 month break from it all. On August 24th I have an appointment with a Reproductive Endocrinoligst to see where the LORD leads us. I will keep you all posted.
The reason for this blog is for our Life Journey into parenthood. This journey has been a long road with many road blocks that we are still walking. I am praying one day I see the end of the road and get to have a precious gift from God in my arms. This is how are journey began.
On June 4, 2005. I married my best friend David. We both knew we wanted children about a year after we got married. About 6 month after we got married we decided to go ahead and see where the LORD leads us. Well this went on for about 2 years than fnally in November 2007 I finally saw that positive test I have been hoping for. That was really short lived because about a week after that positive I ended up miscarrying my child. That in itself was rough. So in February 2008 we decided to go to the doctor to see what was up.
He ran several different tests on both me and David. It turns out I ended up having PCOS (Polystic Ovarian Syndrom) This is where my body does release eggs lke it is suppossed to and I don't ovulate regularly. He said it was a miracle in itself that I even conceived in the first place. He said we would only have like a 2% chance of ever conceiving on our own.
So he recommended that we go through severla different revenues on making our dream come true. I have tried being put on ovulatory medicine. In April of this year we even tried the IUI that was also unsuccessful. We have two more tries of that but we moved to NE in the middle of it so we took like a 6 month break from it all. On August 24th I have an appointment with a Reproductive Endocrinoligst to see where the LORD leads us. I will keep you all posted.
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